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Revival Tract Ministries, Inc.
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Spirit of God

Mission Statement

Spirit of God

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The Reason Christians should not keep sabbaths.

What Does It Really Mean To Be Fill With Holy Ghost?

Students Registration Form

The Danger Of Getting A Demons In Your Women Family

Secrets That Muslim & Christians Need To Know:

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Spirit of God

How To Avoid Letting People Vomit Their Failures Upon You

Body Guard Security Service

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What Happen When God Call Us To Saving Grace?

People That Are Snakes And Scorpions

Preventing People From Unloading Their Baggages on You

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How To Nurture New Christians

How To Deal With People That Are Mean Wicked & Ugly

How To Deal With People That Are Mean Wicked & Ugly

Wrong Information Can Kill

How To Protect New Christians From Demons Mimicking The Holy Ghost

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Opera Did Not Denied Christ

How To Protect New Christians From Demons Mimicking The Holy Ghost

Spirit of God

How The Misconceptions of Faith Could Ruin Your Life

God Can Bear A Grudge

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Protect Your Marriage From Ther Other Woman


You Cannot Come To God With An Attitude And Get His Attention.


How To Make The Christians Life Easy

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Get Rid Of Nasty People

Why Church Women Get Left On Shelves?

The Evidence Of A Holy Ghost Filled Life

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How To Bounce Back From Rock Bottom


Spirit of God


Faze Out Of a ministry You Helped To Start.

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Spirits mimmicking Holy Ghost


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How To Nurture New Christians.

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How To Deal With Racists, hate monges and sell out

Is Speaking In Tongues Appicable

How To Deal With People You Know You Are Going To Hate

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How Does A Person Get Saved And Keep Saved

The Global Christians Relationship

How To Move Foreward As Black People.

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Heartless Law Makers

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How To Have Harmonious Relationship With Your Wife Always!

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Articles Galore

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Six Menu Board

Spirit of God

Seventh Menu Board

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Women Up Off The Church's Floor.

Why Pastors Are Loosing Members At An Alarming Rate

Christians Development Series

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Christians Love

Salvation Series

Days Of Worship

So-Call Bible Contradictions

Controversial Topics

How Much Rights Does Americans Need

How Satan Bring Down Believers

Surviving A Wicked Pastors

Importance Why We Are Here

When Law Enforcment Stop You

Knowing When The Holy Spirit Talking To You

When Pastors Not Telling The Truth

When Christians Get Themselves In Spiritual Troubles

When Your Family Member Is Becoming A Terrorist.

Why Fight A thing You Know Is Not Real

Evangelizing And Soul Winning

Water Baptism Series

Dealing Cults And Perverted Gospel

Links Of Importance Series

New Christians Series

The Great Faith Booster Series

The Burning Of Christians Homes & Churches.

Avoid Conflicts With Women

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The Secrets How To Keep A Man?

Is Jesus Black Or White?

How To Put Down The Enemy

Surviving WorkPlace Politics

Do Not Bring Racism To Jamaica

How To Set Up A Marriage That Survive The Ages

How To Deal With Hate Mongers

How To Divorce Proof Your Relationship.

What New Authors Must know

Ministry Explode In Success

How We Can Bell the cat

Returning Resident Must Know

The Secret To fight diabetic

The In-filling Of The Holy Ghost

Dealing With Toilet Paper Mouth People

Charismatic Want To Be

The Women In The Shadow

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Articles Bundles

Why Christians Sick

Should Women Be Alowed To Preach?


What To Do When Isolate You

What To Do When The Relationship Is Dead.

Why The Relationship Failed.

How To Know What Spirit Is Operating In Your Church.

How To Survive A Broken Heart.

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Does God Responsible For Nationals Disasters

How To Prevent People From Screwing You

What To Do When Your Job Gone Illegal

Preventing Others From Making You Go Bitter

Why Some People Cannot Connect With A Lover

Gift that Is Not Yours Put Your

Why Women Chose Men With No Resource?

Out Of Debtors Nightmare

Where Does Women Hurts?

Relationship Sliding Off The Rail

Who Bring Christianity To Africa

How To Melt Down Difficult People.

Remain where you were saved

How To Read A Women Like A Book

Why Did Judas Betrayed Christ

The secret How To Lead Souls To Christ

Making You Into The Dog Shit Person That Everyone Love To Hate

Your Mate Influence By The Wrong Crowd

Understanding The Work Of Redemption

The secret How To Lead Souls To Christ

Why Christians Get Hurt

How To Get Rid Of Nasty Coworkers

Pastor Is A Politician Mascot.

How To See Relationship Red Flags

Getting Yourself Kill By A Lover

Why The Power Of God Not In Operation.

How To Understand The Work Of Salvation.

Prevent You From Getting An Ass Whipping

Against Poisonous Racial Attitudes

Marriage From Falling Into Dirty Water

How To Survive God's Boot Camp

When God Will Not Answer!

How To Know When Your Children Are Being Molested

When God Will Not Answer!

What To Do When People Block Your Path

What Does It Mean To Be Fill With The Holy Ghost

How To Protect Yourself Against Sheep killers in Church

Why They Trash The Faith

How To Protect Yourself Against Sheep killers in Church

How To Avoid Picking Up Embarrasment At Church

How To Know When Your Child Is Being Abused.

The Secret Of Doing Spiritual Warfare.

How To Grow In Your Christian faith

How To Spot Terrorists Among US

Can You Live Up To What You Believe

God Is Not Into Quick Fixing Our Lives.

What does one have to do to get Jesus

Things That New Christians Should know

Women, Church, And Deamons

What You Need To Know Before Becoming A Pastor

The Razors Below!

Secret How Christians, Muslims And Jews Living in Peace

When Your Pastor Refused To Share His Pulpit

Critics Find Jesus skull Bones?

Staying Young And Healthy

Florida Certification Board

Home Equity Scams

Christisns In Common Law Marriage

Helping The Albinos

What Women Hates Most

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How To Cast A Demon Out Of Your House

What Does It Truly Mean To Have Faith

Do Not Make Religion Messed Up Your Sex Life

Is He Coming In The Relationship For Money?

Walking Through The Christian Life With Ease

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From Demons Posing To Be The Holy Ghost

Where Does Men Hurt?

The Name Jesus Terrified Some People

Where Does Men Hurt?

Danger Of Putting Spirit in Children

How To Stop The Trend Of Christians Backsliding

Six Hundreds & Thirteen Commandments In The Old Testament

How To Deal With people Talking behind Your Backs

The Cost Of Not Following Jesus

How To Know When Satan Desired To Have You

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The Secret In Reading People Spirit

Prevent Losing Your Home

People That give You An Image

RoadBlock Your Marriage

Preparing Your Biracial Children

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Gifts Of Discernment To Know What Satan

When They Put You Down

How To Tie Down Your Favorit man.

Wives Get Kick To Curves

Satan Masquariding As The Holy Spirit

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US Government Buisness

Destroying The Country

When Stop By Law Enforcment

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Things Which returning Residents Must Know To Stay Alive

Why Christians Suffer

Secrets To Deal With Hate Mongers

Why Christians Suffer

Why New Christians Have Trouble In Faith walk

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Knowing When A Child Is Being Abuse

Preventing people Toilet On You

How To Stop Marital Problems.

Husband From Looking At Woman With Desires.

When Wife Wse Sex To Manipulate.

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Why No Answer To Prayers

How To Deal With Phonies People

How To Avenge An Enemy

Heal Yourself Wounded In Church

How To Be A Warrior For Jesus

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Christians loose Their Blessing

How To Stop Marital Problems.

God's Power In Your Life?


People Are Tearing You Down

Why Some Find The Christians Life Hard

The Kind Of People To Avoid At All Cost

Cause Christian Marriages To Fail

How To Study The Bible

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Dealing With Gullible Women

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God To Work For You


Letting People Hijack Your Life

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Becoming Angry At God

The enemy From defeating you

How Attitude Can Down A Marriage

What To Do When Stopped By Police

Braking Down Racial Barriers

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To Deal With Nasty People

Winning Young People To Christ

Muslims And Christians Teaching?

A Person With A Bad Mouth

Dangers Helping certain People

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Why Christians walk away from faith

Secret Why Success Must Be Planted

Racism Cave In On Itself

Secret Why Success Must Be Planted

The Reasons Why Christians Get Defeated

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The Danger Of Becoming A Black Male Nurse Assistant?

Can A Demon Verbally Say Jesus Is Lord?

The Money Is In The Fish Mouth

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How To Have Harmonious Relationship With Your Wife Always!

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What The Passion Of Christ Did Not Tell You!

Christians Defensive Training

How To Be A Christian And Not Let The Religion Strangle You.html

Living With People With Baggages

The Secrets To Know Genuine Men And Women Pastors:

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The Secret To Live With Anyone

Not Winning Their Husband To Christ

Pastors Loosing To Colleges Professors

The Eternal Evidence Of Salvation

Satan Gain The edge Over A Believer

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Unsurpulus People.

The Doctrines Of Salvation

Living The Christian Life On Your Own

Yourself & Family From Self-Inflicted Curses

Surviving Black Phobea

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How To Live A Triumphant Christian Life

How To Avoid Generational Curses And Save Your Family

In A Racist Society

Debating God With Unbelivers

Women Who Think They Hurt Men By Stop Having Sex

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How To Use The Hate People Had For You To Better Your Faith

Sexual Intercourse And The Christians

How To Benefits From People That Hates You Because Of Your Christian Faith
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Students Registration Form

How To Grow Old With Your Jamaicaan Man

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The Part That Likes And Dislikes Plays In Human Society

Why Some Believers Hate God In Old Age?

Live Among Friends With Different Dogmas And Avoiding Hurting Their Feelings

Protecting New Christians From Demons Memicking Tht Holy Ghost

Meet The Author

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Author Biography Of Dr. James. A McBean. D. Th., MCC

Mis-Interpretation Of Scriptures Prevent Our Blessing

Revival Tract Ministries, Inc. Registration Number: N12000002935 Orlando FlORIDA. USA. Copyright 1999. By Dr. James A McBean, Th., MCC. All rights reserved

Our Declaration Of Faith

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How To Put Down An Enemy

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Go Fund Me.

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I am asking readers to “Go Fund+ this ministries: Due to my failing health issues, caused by a motor vehicle accident I had, I will need some help to continue this ministries. You can cash app us. This will help us with the financial load. :


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The Secrets That Succesfull People Are Not Telling

How To Know If Your Church Going To Be A Winner

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Counceling marriage Coules!

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Evidence of Coming To Christ

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